In an evocative and fast-paced adventure on the high seas and on a faraway island an orphan boy named Peter and his mysterious new friend, Molly, overcome bands of pirates and thieves in their quest to keep a fantastical secret safe and save the world from evil. Bestselling authors Dave Barry and Ridley Pearson have turned back the clock and revealed a wonderful story that precedes J. M. Barrie's beloved Peter Pan. Peter and the Starcatchers is brimming with richly developed characters from the scary but somehow familiar Black Stache and the ferocious Mister Grin to the sweet but sophisticated Molly and the fearless Peter. Page after page of riveting adventure take readers on a journey from the filthy, crime-ridden port of old England across the turbulent sea. Aboard the Never Land is a trunk that holds a magical substance that amazes—just a sprinkle and wounds heal and just a dusting and people can fly.
Roiling seas and dangerous thunderstorms are the backdrop for battles at sea. Bone-crushing waves eventually land our characters on Mollusk Island—where the action really heats up.
This impossible-to-put-down tale leads readers on an unforgettable journey fraught with danger yet filled with mystical and magical things.
(Summary taken from the book.)
Peter Pan spin-offs are a bit of a favorite of mine. I loved the background info that this book and series gave Peter and the other characters. There's adventure, daring, friendship, and laughter. I was riveted by the story and loved all of the following books. It stays pretty true to the original story and also gives it a unique flair. I highly recommend this book to young and old!
Interview with the authors:
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