Fleeing assailants through deserted alleyways, Thomas Hunter narrowly escapes to the roof of a building. Then a silent bullet from the night clips his head . . . and his world goes black.
From the blackness comes an amazing reality of another world where evil is contained. A world where Thomas Hunter is in love with a beautiful woman.
But then he remembers the dream of being chased through an alleyway as he reaches to touch the blood on his head. Where does the dream end and reality begin?
Every time he falls asleep in one world, he awakes in the other. Yet in both, catastrophic disaster awaits him . . . may even be caused by him.
Some say the world hangs in the balance of every choice we make. Now the fate of two worlds hangs in the balance of one man's choices.
Have you ever wondered about other dimensions or parallel universes? This book, and the rest of the Circle series, explores the possibility of another world that is every bit as real as ours. Unfortunately, to Thomas, this truth is hard to grasp when he is the one bouncing between the two.
Yet, though this aspect of the story is a fixating hook, it will barely prepare you for this book's power.
The entire series is a wonderfully written, intriguing and stunning metaphor for the biblical story of redemption through creation, the fall, the crucifixion, the resurrection and God's continued wooing of His people. By taking insubstantial forces, such as good and evil, and making them physical in the parallel universe, Dekker makes abstract ideas easily understandable.
The truth woven into these metaphors will leave you reeling.
And, intermixed with this incredible 'otherworld story' is a fight to save this world from utter destruction. I have read this series countless times over the past 8 years, including last summer, and it astounds me every time. If you have time, go get it and read it. You will not be disappointed. I guarantee it.
Dekker's Facebook page.
Not really an extra (more of a cool fact), but one neat thing about the Circle series is that the four books literally go full circle. I don't want to give it away, but it is a really awesome technique. So, just if you needed extra incentive...
Wow. Powerful stuff. I wonder if they have these at the CU library...
ReplyDeleteI am a big Ted Dekker fan--I haven't gotten to this series yet (which is embarrassing if I call myself a fan) but I've read most of his other stuff! Can't wait to read it this summer
ReplyDeleteYES YES YES! I'm so pumped that you mentioned this book/series. I read the books in high school (and all the "Lost Books" in between) and have always loved them. Just last month I bought a book with Black, Red, White and Green all in one (it's a ridiculously monstrous chuck of paper) and I've started re-reading the series. Dekker's imagination is insane. Everyone should read the Circle series at least once. It's out of this world (pun intended).
ReplyDeleteSounds very interesting and trippy! It's a book that I'd definitely consider reading though! Thanks for sharing!
ReplyDeleteI've actually read this! It was weird, but very interesting and thought-provoking!
ReplyDeleteI either have read this or listened to the audiobook version. This or another of Ted Dekker's books. Either way, I remember enjoying it (although I don't remember much else about it)!
ReplyDeleteI have never read any of Ted Dekker's books, but I've wanted to for a while. This one sounds great!